Soul Play Painting Workshops
Welcome to Soul Play!
Feel the luscious delight of color moving across the paper.
Exhale and watch your shoulders drop.
Feel the energy in your body and notice where the brush wants to go.
Marvel that something deep inside of you knows exactly what to do.
Feel fully present and embodied in this moment.
When was the last time you felt this way?
It is time for you to return home to yourself.
Let’s Paint.
Where like-minded people come to create together Online.
Join others who are open to diving deep and shaking off the shackles of not-good-enough beliefs to fully embody their creative source!
Release the inner critic voices that keep you stuck and small and embrace your compassionate creativity.
Unblock stuck feelings and thought patterns and realign with your true self.
Feel alive and awakened as you learn to trust your inner guidance.
Reconnect with your playful sparkly creative magic!

Here’s how it works.
We start with setting your intention and centering.
You’ll be invited to set an intention for the workshop, what you desire to create or release during the painting process. Using mediation you’ll be guided to drop into your body and become aware of sensations to further relax. Movement and somatic gestures deepen body awareness, allowing you to become more present.
Commence the painting!
Pick-up a brush and follow the flow of energy. Follow with curiosity whatever color or movement calls to you. Paint what your soul whispers, not anything that “looks good to please others''. What juicy bliss! The color surprises you, an odd shape appears that makes no sense. You are in flow. Whatever shows up on the paper, welcome it. This is your unique process, trust it!
Inquiry will deepen the understanding of how the painting process is often a reflection of our own “stuff”.
When you get stuck, you’ll often find that what you’re struggling with mirrors other areas in your life. With skillful guidance, you’ll be invited to explore what’s challenging you and connect the dots to how it’s showing up in your life beyond the painting process.
Final Reflection and closing.
We will gather as a group to share our own experiences during the painting process. You’ll have an opportunity to pause, reflect, and share your insights and ah-ha’s. Weaving together your unique heart opening experience, you can choose to share what you're taking away and how you’ll integrate this into your day to day life.
Have questions?
I’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions.
Painting online is wildy fun, because you can show up in your PJ’s, a cup of tea, and your paints! When you register for the workshop you’ll be sent a confirmation and information to login to Zoom to meet. Read below about how to set up your space. You’ll be surprised how easy and enjoyable it is to paint from home.
LISTEN and follow what comes up.
You will have blank paper, brushes, and paint. Your “work” is to LISTEN.
Can you come to the painting process like a child open and curious? What might happen then? What color do you want to use? Where does the brush want to go on the page? What has energy? What feels satisfying? What repels? What makes you tired? What excites you and gives you juice?
What would you paint if no one would see it? What might you paint more or make bigger? What tiny things are calling to be expressed? Can you hold the space for all of it? Can you allow the collective unconscious to bubble up in your work?
What happens when you bump up against judgements or desires to run away from things that feel uncomfortable, and you stay? What happens when you lean into that discomfort? What if you did more of what made you feel uncomfortable? Instead of covering something up or abandoning the image, what if you embraced that shadowy part?
What if you listened deeply to your body- to your soul, and just stayed present with it all? Where might that lead you in the painting process? What might you discover?
There is only ONE rule, and that is not to comment on other’s artwork. This provides a safe container for everything and anything to show up without censorship or judgment.
Ask for support! LOL
You’ll let the facilitator know you need some help by waving/ raising your hand.
Well, then just paint! Your work is to listen deeply enough to your own creative source and follow its guidance. Share, don't share, turn the volume down, and listen to others' explorations – all are welcome.
Please let the facilitator know you are feeling done so a completion conversation can happen. This is a dialogue to see if there are any places in the painting that need more attention. Sometimes when the painter feels done, some additional inquiry will open a whole new door to discovery.
What materials do you have on hand? You can start there. If you want to buy some paint liquid tempura works well or fluid acrylic paint. You can buy Dick Blick tempera or Golden and Liquitix brand paints. The dollar store sells acrylic paints. Get some various-size brushes, paint trays (ice cube trays, meat trays, plastic plates, wax paper all work), water containers, paper towels, painter's tape, and paper. You can order paper here.
Your space doesn’t have to be big, the back of a door or part of a wall can be a painting spot. Cardboard, shipping paper, or plastic table cloths are helpful to use as a backdrop. Use painter's tape or masking tape and tape the backdrop to the wall or a door, then tape paper to the backdrop (unless you have a spot that can get messy). Paint drips, so you may want to protect the floor with a drop cloth or cardboard.
Have a place to put your computer or tablet on — such as a small table, a bar chair or a step ladder. We will spend time talking and meditating together, so having a chair to sit in will be necessary, before we begin painting. When we begin painting you’ll point your computer to your painting so we can see both your paper and you while you're painting. You can paint sitting down or standing up, and maybe a bit of both.

Why Soul Play?
This is what the Creative Collective is saying.

Is Soul Play Therapy?
Art making is indeed therapeutic, however, Soul Play is not intended to be a therapy substitute. It's an open-ended creative source deep dive that may stir up your stuff.