Creative ways to get ready for summer camp
If your child is going to camp for the first time or they are worried about going to a new summer camp, here are some creative ideas to help them transition from home to camp.Work together with your child and create a scrapbook or photo album of their favorite things at home (such as pets, family, bedroom), then leave some pages blank so they can add pictures and post cards of their camp friends and experiences. They can bring it to camp as a transitional object, a connection to home when they are feeling homesick. Send them off with an inexpensive digital camera or disposable camera to capture camp moments and add it to their book when they return home.
Help your child with the transition by talking about the new experiences and new friends they will meet. Talk about what they can do if they are missing home or feeling upset (such as bringing a journal or art materials and taking a creative break).
Send them off with stamps or they can pick out postcards with you before they leave for camp to send home when they miss you.For children who are new to camp send them a post card each day for the first week, and send a goodie box with favorite snacks, art supplies, or some funny family pictures.
Bring something to share with the other campers so your child can more easily connect with others and make friends. This may be packing an art project (such as making friendship bracelets) or a bag of snacks to share, depending upon the age of your child and what they are interested in.
Some children become more anxious and worried when it comes to a new situation, such as leaving to go to summer camp. If your child needs support and creative ways to manage their worries schedule a complimentary Support Consultation to learn more.