Listening with your heART

Sometimes there is a disconnect in your relationships. Someone says something that triggers a feeling of vulnerability or you are feeling so stressed out you say or do things that are hurtful. What’s powerful to understand is that having a healthy relationship is not about avoiding conflict or being a “perfect” family.

You can EXHALE because there is no such thing- perfect families are like unicorns, a beautiful mythical idea that has yet to be discovered. Instead, of chasing the elusive unicorn, you can learn from the perfectly imperfect relationships in your life by listening to your heART.

Here are 7 ways you can listen to your heART, connect with your creativity, and have more meaningful relationships with those people in your life. The cool thing is you can share this process with your children and help them to tune into their heART to help guide them with difficult stuff like peer pressure and conflict.

  1. Claim some time for you to breathe, feel, and process. You may need to designate some time during the day, get up early or stay up a little bit later, but carve out a few minutes a day where you unplug (literally).

  2. Close your eyes and feel your body, connect with your breath, feel yourself supported in the chair you are sitting in.

  3. Visualize your heart space (the place in your body where your heart resides). Fully feel that area of your body without judgments, just acknowledge and release any positive or negative thoughts.

  4. Sit in the fullness of this moment, connecting with whatever thoughts or feelings come up.

  5. Should you need guidance with a way to handle a situation or manage problems ask your heart for guidance.

  6. Breathe and continue to focus on your heart space.

  7. When you are ready take a piece of paper, canvas, or modeling clay, and allow yourself to create an image or symbol of what you felt in the process of connecting with your heart space. If you are struggling with creating an image or symbol, release any judgment and allow yourself to pick a color that resonates with you. When you are finished making art take a minute to explore what you created (you can journal about or just reflect on the process).

Allow the wisdom of what you created to guide you in your relationships and decisions. When difficulties arise take a deep breath and reconnect with the visual image you created or connect with your heart space and ask for guidance.

Notice that as you shift in your response to others, others will shift in their response to you.

Are you in need of more support? Schedule a complimentary phone consultation to learn more.


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