Got Holiday Bad Behaviors?
Got holiday bad behaviors? Your child has been whining, demanding, having meltdowns and tantrums, acting out of control, and school is off and you're wondering, now what? Don't worry here are some tips that will help your child manage bad behaviors during the holidays and help you stay sane!
1. Cut back on the sugar- If your child has been stuffing cookies and candy canes into their mouth it's time to limit the sugar. This simple tips will dramatically impact your child's behavior and prevent sugar highs and crashes. Instead have on hand healthy snacks in a cooler to prevent the hunger meltdowns that happen when your child's blood sugar is low.
2. Create a schedule- Without an understanding of what's expected for them for the day and week they will likely feel unsettled and more easily act out. Let them know what will be happening and when, and post the holiday schedule to a white board or calender where everyone can see it.
3. Limit transitions- Transitioning from store to store or house to house can be stressful for children. They often lack the verbal capacity to tell you, "Hey mom, I'm really tired right now and I don't want to go to another store" ,and if they did tell you that would you listen and respect their request? Know that children will act out if they are tired or overwhelmed, so limit your "to-do" list if your child is showing signs that they are tired and stressed out.
4. Get active- Power down the technology and head out for a walk or swing on the swing set. Build a snowman, go to the park, take a walk. These help your child expel their energy in positive ways, otherwise that pent up energy will be directed at their siblings and lots of yelling for mom!
5. Create calm down activities- Find activities that will help your child to self-soothe and relax. Take out the art supplies and make gifts for other family members, bake some cookies for an elderly neighbor, listen to soothing music. Help your child to regulate their mood and behaviors by teaching them ways to relax and self-soothe.
6. Take care of your needs- Ask your partner, a friend, or neighbor to watch the kids or take them out to see the lights. Use that time to renourish, take a bath, drink some tea, watch the fire, or read a book. You'll find that when you are calm and centered it will be much easier to deal with the holiday bad behaviors when they occur.
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